Monthly Archives: January 2017



That was the word and though he had expected her to look good because he had seen recent pictures he hadn’t expected that.

She looked stunning and he looked tired, old and worn.

The moment made him laugh because every time he thought he had figured it out and was prepared something made it clear that he hadn’t.

He supposed the good news was he didn’t have any expectation beyond that which made the moment easier.

No expectations made it easy or so he told himself.

“I am just going to do my thing and go about my business.”

A short time later he saw her looking at him and wished for the 1,838,839 time in his life that he could read minds.

“What the hell is she thinking? She looked away pretty quickly. Do I look that bad or do I look good?”

He flashed a smile, took a deep breath and walked away.

He was going to just keep doing his thing and go about his business, that was the theory.

But it sure would have be easier if she didn’t look so damn stunning.

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