Monthly Archives: April 2021

Just A Boy Asking A Girl

You could say I am just a boy asking to let herself remember who we were and give a chance to taking in to the present so we can be who we are.

Because we never did let ourselves really find out, never did take possibility and opportunity for more than a little while and now circumstances are different.

Now we can dare to hold hands and walk through our garden together.

Step into my arms and tell me it doesn’t bring it all back because it never really left, it just slumbered for a while.

And now, well now we can take some time and learn more about it or we can let fear prevent it all from being something.

Sometimes that sounds easier but I don’t know that easier is better, just a slow form of death and I am not ready to die.

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Stories To Tell

Thought about picking up this tale and expanding it but haven’t decided yet because this one could be good too.

There are others that were written for the same group that tied into similar themes, threads that speak to me and still do so today, I could easily pick them up and do something with them.

And I just might, maybe, just maybe someone will get a chance to be part of it, if they want or maybe not. 🙂

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