The Lady In The Castle

The man took stock of the past chunk of time and marveled at all that had happened.

He had set his intention on taking a particular path into a new future because he didn’t see a reason to continue upon the old.

Time and time again he had tried to make some things happen and had repeatedly failed. Even someone as determined and strong-willed as him had limits which is why he made the decision to turn away.

And then the unexpected had happened and that changed his position. He had experienced something you could call a teaching moment and had received an education.

That influenced him because he had to reevaluate the situation and he determined his analysis had been wrong. It was the equivalent of using the wrong formula to solve for X.

The numbers might look correct but in reality they were not so you had to start fresh because the prior conclusion was flawed.

And so he rode back the other direction and came to a place called the lady in the castle. He set up camp there and began a long meditation with the idea that it would render more clarity than he had started out with.

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